The McWhorter School of Pharmacy Advisory Board provides the dean and school administrators with insight into current trends in health care and the profession, as well as advice and counsel on a variety of activities of the school. 

Pharmacy Advisory Board

Advisory Board Members

  • Mrs. Angela Anderson
  • Dr. Samuel Blakemore
  • Mr. David Bush (chair)
  • Dr. Dorinda Cale
  • Dr. Thomas Cobb
  • Dr. Christian Conley
  • Dr. Jet Davis
  • Mrs. Maria Fandetti
  • Dr. Michael Franklin
  • Dr. Vanessa Gray
  • Dr. Rhonda Harden
  • Mr. Lee Harrison
  • Mr. George Kitchens
  • Dr. Carrie Kreps
  • Dr. Patricia Baldone Naro
  • Dr. Anne Marie Nolan
  • Dr. Jim Parekh 
  • Dr. Cole Sandlin
  • Dr. Thomas Tice (chair-elect)
  • Dr. Autumn Zuckerman