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Yasmin Samaia Cottingham
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Collin Davidson
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BS in Business Admin
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Bachelor of Arts
Abigail Grace Davis
Bachelor of Science
Mackenzie Faith Davis
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Hunter G Davis
Juris Doctor
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Doctor of Pharmacy
Brody Matthew Davis
Bachelor of Science
Lauren Melissa Davis
Bachelor of Science
Sarah Elizabeth Davis
Master of Healthcare Admin
Jacaila Alexandria Davis
Master of Business Admin
Ashleigh Michele Davis
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Hannah Jo Davis
MS in Nursing
Aiden Groves Davitt
Master of Accountancy
Ella S Day
Bachelor of Science
Tanner Joseph DeBardelaben
BS in Business Admin
Madeline Lysbeth DeBuys
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Andrew William DeSimone
Bachelor of Science
Candy Logan Dean
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Cassey Lee Deisley
MS in Nursing
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Master of Accountancy
Lauren Renea Dennis
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Meghan Denson Neil
Doctor of Education
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Bachelor of Arts Fellow
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Raynier Diaz
BS in Architecture
Lillian Claire Dickinson
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Bachelor of Arts
Lindley Kay Dillard
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
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Bachelor of Arts
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Alyssa Lauren Douglas
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Kristen Elizabeth Dowdy
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BS in Business Admin
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BS in Nursing
Katherine Elizabeth Draper
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Lindsay Jane Drummond
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Caroline Marie Duffee
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Jennifer Danelle Duke
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Amanda Paige Dunlap
Master of Public Health
Amanda Paige Dunlap
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jonathan Sharp Durden
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Grayson M. Eady
BS in Business Admin
Courtney Claire Easlick
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Nathan Wayne East
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Naomi Brishawn Eaton
Master of Business Admin
Stephen James Edds
BS in Business Admin
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BS in Architecture
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BS in Business Admin
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BS in Business Admin
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BS in Nursing
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Doctor of Physical Therapy
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Bachelor of Music Education
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BS in Business Admin
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MS in Nursing
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BS in Architecture
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Bachelor of Science Fellow
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Bachelor of Science
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Doctor of Physical Therapy
Erin Elise Halstead
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MS in Nursing
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Doctor of Pharmacy
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Juris Doctor
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Doctor of Physical Therapy
William Grant Fox
Bachelor of Science
Catherine Grace Frank
BS in Business Admin
Kaylee Brooke Franks
Juris Doctor
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Bachelor of Arts
Allison Kate Frederick
Bachelor of Music
Jayden Griffin Freeman
Bachelor of Science
Alana Joiner Freeman
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jayden Griffin Freeman
Certificate only
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Juris Doctor
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Julianna Marie Friel
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Bachelor of Arts
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Doctor of Pharmacy
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Master of Business Admin
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Bachelor of Arts
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BS in Business Admin
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Bachelor of Arts
Anna Corinne Galbreath
Bachelor of Science
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BS in Nursing
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Doctor of Pharmacy
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Juris Doctor
Campbell Garner
Bachelor of Arts
Hollis McKelvey Garrard
Juris Doctor
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Bachelor of Arts
Kaitlin Elizabeth Garrison
Doctor of Pharmacy
Kaitlin Elizabeth Garrison
Master of Public Health
Mariana Gaviria Giraldo
BS in Business Admin
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Bachelor of Science
Taylor Ashley Gentle
BS in Nursing
Layne Christine George
BS in Architecture
Gage S. Geren
BS in Business Admin
Hannah Elizabeth Gibson
MA in Theological Studies
Caroline Elizabeth Gilbert
Bachelor of Science Fellow
Hannah Elizabeth Giles
Bachelor of Arts
Louis Benjamin Gilham
BS in Business Admin
Aaron Nicholas Gill
Bachelor of Science
Sydney Gillam
Bachelor of Science
Katarina Elizabeth Catrett
Bachelor of Science
Grayson McCall Glover
BS in Business Admin
Britney Sandivel Gonzalez Ezquerra
BS in Business Admin
Melissa A Gooden
MS in Nursing
Kirk Ronald Goodwin
Bachelor of Science
William Carson Goold
Bachelor of Science
Georgia Kathryn Goth
BS in Nursing
Samuel Henegar Gould
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Synclair B. Goyer
Master of Business Admin
Synclair B. Goyer
Juris Doctor
Katlyn Marie Graves
Master of Public Health
Katlyn Marie Graves
Doctor of Pharmacy
William Gabriel Gray
Bachelor of Science
Thomas Carlton Gray
Master of Divinity
Adlie Claire Green
Master of Social Work
Dayton Floyd Green
BS in Business Admin
Summer Elaine Gregg
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Nasiha Gresham
Doctor of Education
Sydney Reece Grice
Bachelor of Arts
Carter Pierce Grice
BS in Architecture
Jason Rolland Griess
Master of Laws
Esther Rose Grimes
Bachelor of Science
Gabriel James Groark
Bachelor of Science
Tyler Wade Grogan
Bachelor of Science
Elijah Jobe Grubbs
BS in Business Admin
Alexander Theodore Gulas
Juris Doctor
Charles Elic Gum
BS in Business Admin
Elizabeth Greer Gunter
BS in Nursing
Victoria Consuelo Gurol
Juris Doctor
Alexa Victoria Gutierrez
Juris Doctor
Jenna Margaret Haaland
BS in Nursing
John Chesser Habig
Bachelor of Arts
Eliza Quinn Hackworth
BS in Nursing
Rachel Elizabeth Hagen
BS in Business Admin
Ethan James Haggerty
Bachelor of Arts
Lucy Louise SiHui Hail
Bachelor of Science
Isaiah Byron Haines
BS in Business Admin
Ian Patrick Hair
BS in Business Admin
Nicholas Edward Hairston IV
Bachelor of Arts
Adeline Haisch
Master of Business Admin
Kayla Marie Haller
Juris Doctor
Carly Jenna Hambrick
Bachelor of Arts
Austin Lewis Hamilton
Master of Music
Hooper Swilling Hammond
Bachelor of Music
William Stewart Hammons III
Juris Doctor
Yunus Jabir Hampton
Doctor of Pharmacy
Kathleen Elizabeth Hankins
Bachelor of Fine Arts
William Lee Hannah
Doctor of Pharmacy
Mikayla Hope Hansen
Bachelor of Arts
Lee Marcelle Hardin
Master of Studies in Law
Lillian Grace Harmon
Bachelor of Science
Lilah Elizabeth Harold
Bachelor of Arts
Lucas A Harris-Miller
Juris Doctor
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Bachelor of Arts
Ian C. Harrison
Bachelor of Science
Candace Renee Harrison
Bachelor of Arts
Kathryn Gray Hartman
BS in Nursing
Sophia Abigayle Harvey
Bachelor of Science
Emily Anne Harvey
BS in Nursing
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BS in Business Admin
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Master of Business Admin
Caleb David Haught
Juris Doctor
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Bachelor of Science
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Bachelor of Fine Arts
Carlie M. Hay
Doctor of Physical Therapy
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Bachelor of Science
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BS in Education
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MS in Health Info/Analytics
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Doctor of Pharmacy
Yiying He
Doctor of Pharmacy
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BS in Business Admin
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Master of Studies in Law
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Master of Accountancy
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Bachelor of Fine Arts Fellow
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BS in Business Admin
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Doctor of Physical Therapy
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Bachelor of Arts
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MS in Education
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BS in Nursing
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BS in Business Admin
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Doctor of Public Health
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Master of Divinity
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Bachelor of Science
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BS in Nursing
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Ashton Lindley Holt
Certificate only/DIVN
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Doctor of Nursing Practice
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Bachelor of Arts
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Bachelor of Science
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BS in Business Admin
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MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
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BS in Business Admin
Colby James Hwang
BS in Business Admin
Anna Brett Hyde Williamson
Master of Healthcare Admin
Angela Dawn Hyde
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Ogonna Ifeoma Ifeanyi
MS in Nursing
Murphy Oghenemine Igbakpa
Bachelor of Science
Eusebio Rafael Iglesias
Doctor of Pharmacy
Isabella Maria Infante-Maymo
BS in Architecture
Matthew N. Ingenito
BS in Business Admin
Caroline Grace Ingraham
Bachelor of Science
Dawson Ryan Ingram
Bachelor of Science
Caley Lorraine Ingram
Bachelor of Science Fellow
Abbey Elizabeth Ivester
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Andrew Parker Ivester
Bachelor of Arts
Luke McGill Jackson
BS in Business Admin
Nicholas Michael Jackson
Master of Business Admin
Abigail Grace Jackson
BS in Nursing
Anisha Patrice Jackson
Doctor of Pharmacy
Hank Daniel Jackson III
Bachelor of Arts
Bennett Nikolaj Jakobsen
Bachelor of Science
Danielle Grace James
Bachelor of Science
Caroline Connell Jansen
Master of Social Work
Kendall B. Jarrard
Bachelor of Arts
Catherine Grace Jarvie
Bachelor of Arts
James U. Jefferson, Jr.
Bachelor of Arts
Ava L Jenkins
Bachelor of Arts
Raegan Marie Jenkins
BS in Business Admin
Kirsten Jennings Norvell
BS in Education
Dorris Edwin Jernigan III
Juris Doctor
Lauren Elizabeth Johnson
BS in Nursing
William Michael Johnson
Bachelor of Science
Olivia Adele Johnson
Bachelor of Science
Samuel Curtin Johnson
Bachelor of Science
Randall Brett Johnson
Bachelor of Arts
Laura Christian Johnson
MS in Nursing
Paris Natasha Johnson
Doctor of Public Health
Jakieria NyAsia Johnson
Bachelor of Science
Samuel H Johnson
Juris Doctor
Emmaline Frances Johnston
BS in Education Fellow
Mary Fraser Johnston
BS in Nursing
Mark Anthony Joly
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Morrisa Marshay Jones
MS in Nursing
Kayli Mackenzie Jones
Bachelor of Arts
Macey Rae Jones
Master of Laws
Karana Nicola Jones
MA in Theological Studies
Ian Christopher Jones
BS in Business Admin
George Chavier Jones
Bachelor of Arts
Shamarra Jaqua Jones
Doctor of Public Health
Macey Rae Jones
Juris Doctor
Abigail Grace Jones
BS in Nursing
Jonathan D. Jones
BS in Business Admin
Jasleen Kaur Judge
Juris Doctor
Abigail Grace Juillerat
Bachelor of Science
Camden Elizabeth Jung
Bachelor of Arts
Ezaldean Alaa Kahil
MS in Health Info/Analytics
Ezaldean Kahil
Doctor of Pharmacy
Natalie Michelle Kardoes
BS in Education
Skyler Sommer Kasselmann
BS in Business Admin
Nora Marie Kassis
Master of Public Health
Sarah Marie Katona
Bachelor of Science
Thomas Patrick Kay II
BS in Business Admin
Jordyn A. Keesing
Master of Social Work
Anne Virginia Min Kelley
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Emma Susanne Kelley
BS in Nursing
Jane Tyler Kelly
Bachelor of Science
Baden Elizabeth Kemp
MS in Education
Abigail Erin Kennedy
BS in Nursing
Claire Elizabeth Kennedy
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Lucas Cade Kennemer
Bachelor of Science
LaTracyenne Kennisha Kennie-Gibbs
Master of Laws
Audrey Alexia Ketchem
Bachelor of Science
Kannon Willis Key
BS in Nursing
Benjamin Doke Kiblinger
BS in Bus Admin Fellow
Darrian Princeton King
Bachelor of Science
Kathryn Anne King
Bachelor of Music
Kathryn Asher King
Bachelor of Science
Andrew Bennett King
Bachelor of Science
Mary Katherine Kinsey
Bachelor of Science
William P Kirkpatrick
Juris Doctor
David Thomas Kizer
BS in Business Admin
Evan Garrett Klugh
Juris Doctor
Jada Elizabeth Knight
Bachelor of Arts
Anna Caroline Knight
Bachelor of Arts
Jacob Thomas Knight
Doctor of Pharmacy
Anna Renne Kolbie
Bachelor of Arts
John Yun Koo
Juris Doctor
Egan Patricia Koster
Bachelor of Arts
Joshua William Kota
Doctor of Pharmacy
Anna Catherine Kraus
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Zachary S Kriner
Juris Doctor
Courtney Elisabeth Krueger
BS in Education
Amelia Grace Krusinski
Master of Business Admin
Camden Joshua Kuhn
BS in Business Admin
Juliana Rebecca Kunzman
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Owen Joseph LaRocca
Bachelor of Science
Leslie Ann LaTurno
Juris Doctor
Eva Grace Labine
Master of Social Work
Sidda Lynne Lachina
Bachelor of Science
Delaney Arlene Laing
Certificate only
Delaney Arlene Laing
Bachelor of Arts
Cordelia Latrice Lampton
Bachelor of Science
William F Landsea
Juris Doctor
Sienna Lee Lange
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Victoria Frances Langevin
Bachelor of Science
Rachel Raines Langston
Bachelor of Arts
Emma Hartley Latham
BS in Business Admin
Lydia Joy Lauderback
Bachelor of Arts
Emma Louise Lawing
BS in Architecture
Nicole Elise Lawrence
BS in Nursing
Cambridge Sierra Layfield
Juris Doctor
Sonia Lazaro
Juris Doctor
Sonia Lazaro
Master of Laws
Loc Duy Le
Doctor of Pharmacy
Elizabeth Gano Leavell
Bachelor of Science
Kensley S. Ledford
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Abigail O'Brien Lee
BS in Business Admin
Samuel Walker Lee
Bachelor of Science
Mikayla Criss Lee
BS in Education
Elizabeth Ayers Leggett
Bachelor of Science
Luke David Lemasters
BS in Business Admin
Emma Sophia Lemstra
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Kristen Elizabeth Lemus
Bachelor of Arts
Jacob Taylor Less
BS in Business Admin
Mary Grace Leuenberger
BS in Education
Brooks O'keefe Lewis
BS in Business Admin
Katherine Bethany Lewis
Bachelor of Arts
AnLi Jori Link
Doctor of Pharmacy
Marcus Taft Little
Bachelor of Science
Hannah Nicole Littleton
BS in Business Admin
Abigail Kaye Litton
Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Rachael Lloyd
BS in Nursing
Jaren Wesley Lobb
Bachelor of Science
Levi Stephen Lodge
Bachelor of Science
Sadie Hamilton Logan
BS in Business Admin
Bethany Mae Logan
Juris Doctor
Anna Grace Lonergan
Juris Doctor
Nathaniel Dale Loper
Bachelor of Arts
Alexis Ann Lopez
Master of Accountancy
Amber Jacqueline Lopez
Bachelor of Science
Allie Morgan Lott
Juris Doctor
Caroline E. Love
Bachelor of Science
Emma Elisabeth Love
Bachelor of Science
Sophie Rose Lovett
Bachelor of Science
Piper Jaye Lowery
BS in Education
Kenneth Preston Lowery
Doctor of Public Health
Caroline Garner Luck
Master of Social Work
Analisa A. Lujan
BS in Business Admin
Payton Marie Luker
Bachelor of Science
Macey Ann Lundstrom
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Rylan Brandon Lusk
Juris Doctor
Eliana Leigh Lynch
BS in Business Admin
William McDermott Lynch
BS in Business Admin
Charles Thomas Lynskey
Bachelor of Science
Austin Jenkins Mabry
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Kenneth Javier Machado Figueroa
Doctor of Pharmacy
Valeria Machuca Vazquez
Bachelor of Music
Mary Grace Maddox
BS in Nursing
Richmond Benjamin Maddox
Juris Doctor
Keneshia Janae Mahan
Juris Doctor
Matthew Michael Mahar
Bachelor of Arts
Cassidy Wilson Mahler
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Anna Katherine Major
Bachelor of Science
William Dale Malcolm
BS in Business Admin
Maxwell Curtis Mankin
BS in Business Admin
Madison Elizabeth Mansour
Bachelor of Arts
Nathaly Manuel Avendaño
BS in Business Admin
Emma Danielle Marino
Bachelor of Arts
Rebekah Anne Marsh
Master of Social Work
Sarah Nicole Marshall
BS in Nursing
Emma Catherine Martin
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Noah Whitaker Martin
Master of Accountancy
Morgan Alexandra Martin
Juris Doctor
Brynn T. Martin
Juris Doctor
Emma K. Martin
BS in Nursing
Thomas Rives Martin
BS in Business Admin
Sophia Elyse Martin
Bachelor of Arts
Kelsey Michelle Martin
Bachelor of Arts
Anna Marie Martin
BS in Business Admin
Jordan A Martin
Juris Doctor
Emma Grace Martin
Bachelor of Science
Lucas Henry Martin-Schimmelpfennig
BS in Business Admin
Clayton Connor Masters
BS in Business Admin
Charles William Mathews
BS in Bus Admin Fellow
Mallory Anne Matthews
BS in Business Admin
Catherine Marie Maurin
Juris Doctor
James Grant May
Bachelor of Arts
Kathryn Elizabeth Mayfield
Bachelor of Arts
Emma Catherine McBane
Bachelor of Science
Anna Elizabeth McBane
Bachelor of Arts
Isaac Christopher McBane
BS in Business Admin
Megan Meredith McCabe
BS in Nursing
Abigail Grace McCall
BS in Nursing
Shaun Patrick McCarthy
Bachelor of Science
Sophie Grace McClendon
Bachelor of Arts
Jordan McClendon
BS in Business Admin
Katelyn Elise McClure
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Lindsey Zirbel McConnell
MS in Education
Joshua Alexander McCool
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Ian Noah McCormick
Bachelor of Science
Gracie Rena' McCoy
Bachelor of Science
Mackenzie Hart McCravy
Bachelor of Science Fellow
Monique Loviel McCray
Master of Social Work
John Mark McDaniel
BS in Business Admin
Emily Kristin McElvy
Bachelor of Science
Anna Marie McGehee
BS in Education
Kathrine Elizabeth McGinley
Bachelor of Arts
Lacy Nichol McKinley
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Lauren Paige McKleroy
MS in Education
Kelly-Anne Michel McMaster
Bachelor of Science
Myles Anthony McMillan
Bachelor of Arts
Connor James McNatt
BS in Business Admin
Carrington Summer McCullough
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
John G. Meadows
BS in Business Admin
Avery Katherine Means
Bachelor of Arts
Kerra Paige Means
Doctor of Pharmacy
Caleb Andrew Measures
BS in Business Admin
Sean David Meehan
Bachelor of Science
Jonathan Aaron Melara
BS in Business Admin
Samantha Ann Mendoza
Juris Doctor
Caroline Marie Meyers
Bachelor of Arts
Ava Simone Michaux
Bachelor of Arts
Nicolasa Lucille Mickey
Master of Social Work
Charles Wesley Mickle IV
Doctor of Education
Andrew Fletcher Middleton
Bachelor of Science Fellow
Emma Caroline Mikell
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
James Kelly Allgood Miller
Juris Doctor
James Kelly Allgood Miller
Master of Laws
William Thomas Miller
BS in Business Admin
Mary Helen Miller
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Morgan Grace Miller
Bachelor of Science Fellow
Margaret Anne Miller
BS in Nursing
Taylor Ashley Miller
BS in Education
David Michael Miller
Bachelor of Science
Joseph Brady Milligan
Juris Doctor
MaryGrace Sue Mills
Bachelor of Science
Zane L Mitchell
Juris Doctor
Jarad Jerome Mitchell
BS in Business Admin
Michael Christopher Mitchler
BS in Business Admin
Randall Mixon
Master of Laws
Charles Davis Mobley
BS in Business Admin
Caleb Christian Mohr
BS in Nursing
Jessica Elizabeth Monk
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Stephanie Noemi Monterroso
Juris Doctor
Abigail Grace Montgomery
Bachelor of Arts
Keri Diane Moon
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Aaron Benjamin Moore
Doctor of Pharmacy
Brady Conley Moore
BS in Business Admin
Avery Anne Moore
BS in Business Admin
Elizabeth Reece Moore
Bachelor of Arts
Makella Delores Moore
Doctor of Education
Sydney Lind Moore
Juris Doctor
Freddrick Malik Moore
Juris Doctor
Elizabeth Alexandria Moorman
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Jaden Olivia Morace
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Luis Gabriel Morales Vargas
Bachelor of Science
Madeleine Jaye Moravek
Bachelor of Arts
Zachary Harrison Moreland
Master of Accountancy
Rebecca Leech Moreland
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Patricia Kate Morgan
Bachelor of Science
Andrew James Morgan
BS in Business Admin
Emily Paige Morgan
Bachelor of Science
Fayth Gabrielle Morris
Master of Public Health
Jordan Hope Morris
Bachelor of Arts
Rexton Jeffrey Morris
Juris Doctor
Scarlett Savanna Grace Morris
Juris Doctor
Fayth Gabrielle Morris
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jaden Hunter Mosley
Bachelor of Science
Patrick Wilson Moulton
Bachelor of Science
Caydin Nathaniel Mowen
BS in Business Admin
Madeline Grace Moyer
BS in Architecture
Jackson Paul Moyers
Master of Accountancy
Emily Grace Mullins
Bachelor of Arts
Jaylee Sarahi Munoz Juarbe
Doctor of Pharmacy
Morgan Murner
Bachelor of Science
Emma Grace Murphree
Bachelor of Science
Jackson Thomas Murphree
BS in Business Admin
Sydney B. Murphy
Doctor of Pharmacy
Sydney B. Murphy
Master of Public Health
Katelyn Nichole Murphy
BS in Architecture
Joshua David Musser
BS in Business Admin
Madeline Kate Myrick
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Kate Emerson Naddell
BS in Nursing
Baylee Elizabeth Nall
Bachelor of Science
Allysa Marie Nance
Doctor of Pharmacy
Hannah Grace Nash
Bachelor of Arts
Naomi Wandia McCoy
Master of Studies in Law
Mackenzie Leigh Neeley
BS in Nursing
John L Neese
Juris Doctor
Shane Andrew Nelson
Bachelor of Science
Carter Wayne Nelson
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Liyah Symone Nelson
Bachelor of Science
Sydney M Nester
Juris Doctor
Ashley Elizabeth Neubert
BS in Nursing
Hayden Isabella Neugent
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Julie Fay Nevins
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Caleb William New
Bachelor of Arts
Jacob Ray Newman
Bachelor of Science
Cynthia Dianne Newton
MS in Education
Lyne Nguyen
Doctor of Pharmacy
Phi Anh Nguyen
Bachelor of Science
Haley Harrison Nguyen
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Rachel Hana Nicole Nickerson
BS in Nursing
Emma Elizabeth Nimnicht
Bachelor of Arts
Courtney Bruce Nix
Doctor of Pharmacy
Christopher Charles Noble
MS in Environmental Mgt
Arden Clare Noland
Bachelor of Arts
Trustin Northington
Bachelor of Science
Jacob Ethan Norvell
Bachelor of Arts
Lauren Elizabeth Nott
Master of Social Work
Daley Elena O'Brien
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Dympna O'Carroll
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Kyle D. O'Dowd
Bachelor of Arts
Ryan O'Halloran
Juris Doctor
Shaun Patrick O'Neil
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Jose Eleazar Ocampo
Bachelor of Science
Arielle Adams Octave
Doctor of Public Health
Valerie Paige Ogle
Bachelor of Science
RosaLynn Lara Olivares
BS in Nursing
Jack Henry Oliver
Bachelor of Arts
Jack Porter Oliver
BS in Business Admin
James Alan Oliver
Master of Divinity
Jackson D. Orth
Bachelor of Science
Samuel J. Owen
BS in Business Admin
Keely Paige Owens
BS in Education
Isamar Pacheco-Bautista
BS in Business Admin
Ella Marie Pacini
BS in Nursing
Elizabeth J Packer
Juris Doctor
Amelia Grace Palmer
Bachelor of Arts
Vivian Grove Palmer
Doctor of Education
Kaylee Marie Pappa
BS in Nursing
Matthew Gauge Parette
Bachelor of Arts
Taylor Ray Paris
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jada Alexius Parish
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Sinkenesh Miriam Parker
Bachelor of Science
Ann Graham Parker II
Juris Doctor
Madison Sheleya Parrish
Bachelor of Science
Anna Clay Parrish
Bachelor of Arts
Jordyn Alexis Partain
Bachelor of Science
Casey Elizabeth Partee
BS in Nursing
Allyson Renae Parvin
Bachelor of Science
Teresa Kathryn Passerrello
Bachelor of Science
Brady Kyle Patterson
Bachelor of Science
Caroline G. Patton
BS in Nursing
Mattie Elizabeth Patzke
Bachelor of Science
Brennan Cole Paulus
BS in Education
Grace Caroline Pawelkowski
Bachelor of Science
Jacob Kyle Payne
Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Elizabeth Payne
BS in Architecture
Jasmine Jade Paynter
Juris Doctor
Sally Ann Peacock
BS in Nursing
Katherine-Miles Missouri Peek
Juris Doctor
Davis Anne Pendley
Bachelor of Science
James William Penley IV
BS in Business Admin
Lauren M. Pepper
BS in Business Admin
Ian R Perkins
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Justin Michael Perritt
Bachelor of Science
Taleka Perry
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Kate Branan Perry
Master of Accountancy
Ashley Douglas Perry Jr.
Master of Accountancy
Ethan Perry Persons
Bachelor of Science
Margot Alden Peters
Bachelor of Science
Macie Elizabeth Pfeuffer
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Cristina Basulescu Pfister
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Claire Elizabeth Phegley
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Peyton McDade Philips
Bachelor of Arts
Kourtnee' Alexandrea Phillips
Doctor of Pharmacy
Emma Grace Phillips
Bachelor of Arts
Kourtnee' Alexandrea Phillips
Master of Public Health
Anna Grace Phillips
Master of Business Admin
Anna Grace Phillips
Juris Doctor
William R Philpot
Juris Doctor
Jack Robert Pickard
BS in Business Admin
Adam Henry Piedrahita
Bachelor of Arts
Mary Elizabeth Pike
BS in Business Admin
McKenzie Mae Pilch
BS in Education
Joseph M. Pittman
Doctor of Pharmacy
Charles Mackness Pitts
Doctor of Pharmacy
Sarah Elizabeth Plummer
Bachelor of Science
Gracie Lin Plunk
Master of Accountancy
Charles Leander Plunkett
Bachelor of Arts
Kaitlin Plunkett
Doctor of Pharmacy
Hannah Faith Poenitske
Master of Accountancy
Dontae Sanchez Pollard
Bachelor of Arts
Justin Dallas Porter
Bachelor of Science
Jon Timothy Posey
Bachelor of Arts
Erica Hali Powell
Bachelor of Science
Jacob L. Powell
Juris Doctor
Brian P Powell
Juris Doctor
James Oakley Powers
Bachelor of Music
Hannah E. Predmore
Bachelor of Arts
Payton Olivia Preuitt
Bachelor of Science
Derek Leslie Price
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dawn Marie Price
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Grace Prinsell
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Lily Arlina Kay Prout
Bachelor of Science
Jacob Anthony Pufall
Bachelor of Science
William Joseph Purdy
BS in Business Admin
Sarah Grace Queen
Bachelor of Arts
J'Maureai Duane Raby
Bachelor of Science
Kristin Terese Radice
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Jaylin Adrick Rainey
Master of Business Admin
Robert Alexander Rait
Master of Social Work
Hope Kathryn Ramsey
Bachelor of Science
Brennen Graham Ramsey
Bachelor of Music Education
Zoe Annabelle Ras
Juris Doctor
Addison Marie Ratliff
Bachelor of Arts
Frederick Matthew Rattray
Bachelor of Arts
Ty’Rah Alisabeth Ray
Bachelor of Science
Kolton Garrett Ray
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Ella Claire Ray
Bachelor of Science
Allison Barbara Raymond
Master of Social Work
Michael Ford Reasons
Bachelor of Arts
Luke Holten Rector
Bachelor of Arts
Andrew H. Redding
Bachelor of Science
Emily Elizabeth Redford
Bachelor of Arts
Brenden M. Reed
Bachelor of Science
Julia Christina Reis
Bachelor of Arts
Susan Marie Resnick
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Kyla Reynolds Kimberlin
Master of Business Admin
Riley Elizabeth Reynolds
Juris Doctor
Collin Brooks Rice
BS in Business Admin
Gabrielle Elisabeth Rice
Master of Business Admin
Quinn Michael Richey
Master of Business Admin
Matthew McCain Ridenour
Bachelor of Science
Michael George Miller Riggins
BS in Business Admin
Thomas Jacob Riggs
Bachelor of Arts
Kenneth Cirby Ritchie
Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Christine Ritenour
Bachelor of Arts
Jennifer Mishel Rivera
Bachelor of Arts
Peyton Trever Robbins
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Hollie Marie Roberts
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Amy Elizabeth Roberts
BS in Nursing
Madison Elizabeth Marie Roberts
Bachelor of Science
Nathaniel James Robertson
Juris Doctor
John Allen Rogers
BS in Business Admin
John Anthony Rogone
Master of Business Admin
Gabriela Andrea Roman Rivera
Bachelor of Science
Cassidy Raye Romans
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Taylor Grace Romine
Doctor of Pharmacy
Taylor Grace Romine
Master of Healthcare Admin
Mary Elizabeth Ronne
Doctor of Pharmacy
Kara Leigh Roper
Bachelor of Science
Roxanna Roque-Melendez
Doctor of Pharmacy
Naileen Edith Rosado-Rodriguez
Bachelor of Science
Karlie Grace Rosenberry
Bachelor of Arts
Lillian Grace Ross
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Brett Ross
BS in Business Admin
Luke Everett Ross
Bachelor of Science
Abby Jane Rossnagel
Bachelor of Arts
Felicity Suzanna Rowe
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Micah Anthony Rowe
Doctor of Pharmacy
Mary Grace Rowell
Bachelor of Arts
Robert Edward Rowell
Master of Business Admin
Olivia Caitlin Ruble
Bachelor of Arts
Kennedy Zade Russell
Bachelor of Arts
Emma Grace Russell
Master of Public Health
Emma Grace Russell
Doctor of Pharmacy
John David Ryan
BS in Business Admin
Peyton O. Ryce
Bachelor of Science
Taylor Ashlyn Ryczek
BS in Business Admin
Mary Crosby Rysewyk
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dominique Santrice Saintvil
BS in Nursing
Felecia Yvette Salary
Doctor of Public Health
Bailey Thomas Salmon
BS in Architecture
Mersades Alexis Salmon
Bachelor of Science
Elijah Roe Samlowski
Bachelor of Music
Olivia Hope Sand
Bachelor of Music
Thomas Ronald Sanders
BS in Business Admin
Logan Christopher Sanford
Bachelor of Arts
Ella Grace Sawyer
Bachelor of Arts
Katie Elizabeth Schansberg
Bachelor of Music
Caleb Matthew Scheffler
BS in Nursing
Emily Grace Schlichter
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Samantha Kay Schrock
Bachelor of Science
Hannah Lynne Schwarz
BS in Business Admin
Greta Catherine Schwarz
BS in Business Admin
Claire Marie Schwenk
MA in Theological Studies
Anna Kathryn Scott
BS in Nursing
Kassidy Michaele Scott
BS in Business Admin
Sarah Grace Scott
Bachelor of Arts
Whitney Nicole Seals
Doctor of Pharmacy
Whitney Nicole Seals
Master of Healthcare Admin
Christian Chase Sears
Bachelor of Science
Grace Ann Sedberry
Master of Accountancy
Caroline Elizabeth Seeling
Bachelor of Arts
Gracie Kay Sellars
Bachelor of Science
Kaitlyn Grace Sepulveda
Bachelor of Arts
Victoria Faith Serra
Bachelor of Science
Wendy Lizeth Serrano
Doctor of Pharmacy
Lynn J Sexton
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Jack E. Shannon
BS in Business Admin
Hannah Sophia Evelyn Sharpton
BS in Education
Kara Noel Sheldon
BS in Nursing
Harriet Swann Shelly
Juris Doctor
Cindy MaKaylee Shelton
Doctor of Pharmacy
Bailey Rebekah Shepherd
Bachelor of Arts
Jordan Shepperson
Bachelor of Arts
Jesiah Gage Sherrill
Bachelor of Arts
Brooke LeAnna Shirley
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Annessa Kay Shively
Bachelor of Arts
Julia Myron Shoemake
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Kennedy Renee Shoemaker
Bachelor of Science
Christopher Shaun Shorrosh
Bachelor of Science
Lauren Nicole Shouse
Doctor of Pharmacy
Tristyn Elizabeth Siegert
Bachelor of Arts
Jackson Leyden Sills
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Ella G. Simpson
Master of Business Admin
Erin Kathleen Sims
Bachelor of Science
Mohkam Singh
Master of Public Health
Emily Michele Singleton
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Riley Elizabeth Sinn
BS in Business Admin
Jordan Michael Skiera
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jordan Michael Skiera
Master of Studies in Law
Molly Rae Skipper
Bachelor of Science
Madeline Grace Slater
Master of Accountancy
Mary Camille Slaughter
Bachelor of Arts
Anja Sophia Smith
Bachelor of Arts
Russell Day Smith
BS in Business Admin
Courtney Smith
Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Brumley Smith
Juris Doctor
Anna Elisabeth Smith
Bachelor of Arts
McKenzie Colby Smith
Bachelor of Science
Macy Brooke Smith
BS in Architecture
Mckenzy Cullen Smith
Juris Doctor
Kara Dawn Smith
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Andrew Chalmers Smith
BS in Business Admin
Coleman Bradley Smith
BS in Education
Ella Mei-Ling Smith
BS in Business Admin
Samuel Clark Smith
BS in Business Admin
Timothy Walker Smith
BS in Business Admin
Kaylee Ann Smith
BS in Nursing
Luke Asher Smith
Bachelor of Science
Christina M Smith
Juris Doctor
Abigail Grace Smith
Bachelor of Arts
Kamron Roy Smith
Bachelor of Science
Amelia Grace Smith Colston
Master of Laws
Abbey Claire Smith
Bachelor of Arts
Isabella Christine Smith
Juris Doctor
Amelia G Smith Colston
Juris Doctor
Kaylee Grace Snider
Bachelor of Arts
Shelby Faith Snow
Bachelor of Arts
Jordan Breann Somers
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Yarelis Adriana Sonera Serrano
Bachelor of Science
Conner Gorman Sorrells
Juris Doctor
Ingrid Selene Soto Campero
Master of Accountancy
Hilary Spadoni
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Thomas Patrick Speed
BS in Business Admin
Ethan Thomas Speights
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Emma Margaret Spencer
BS in Nursing
Nicholas Charles Speros
BS in Business Admin
Samantha Diane Sponcia
BS in Nursing
Lily Katherine Springer
Master of Accountancy
Clare Elise Sprinkle
Bachelor of Science
Caleb Reagan Sprinkle
BS in Business Admin
Joshua Rubin Sprinkle
BS in Business Admin
Sarah A. Squillace
Bachelor of Science
Justin Frederick St. Amour
Juris Doctor
Payton Rose Stafford
BS in Business Admin
Paige Nicole Stafford
BS in Business Admin
Jamie Paige Stagg
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jamie Paige Stagg
Master of Business Admin
William Hutton Stanard
Master of Divinity
Moriah Grace Stansberry
BS in Nursing
Katherine Marie Starkey
Juris Doctor
Jonah Robert Stauffer
BS in Business Admin
KayLeigh O Steen
Bachelor of Science
Brianne Celeste Stephens
Juris Doctor
Midnight Rose Steward
BS in Business Admin
Wesley Allen Steward
BS in Business Admin
Kristin Leigh Stewart
Bachelor of Arts
Kassidee Mayson Stillwell
Bachelor of Science
Makenzie Ann Stine
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Garrett Tate Stinson
BS in Business Admin
Elizabeth Grace Stipp-Puffer
BS in Nursing
Ricarda Stöckl
BS in Business Admin
Victoria Stapleton Stocks
Juris Doctor
Emma Kathryn Stoebner
Master of Social Work
Samuel Thomas Stogner
Bachelor of Arts
James Luke Stone
BS in Business Admin
Reagan Kenington Story
Master of Social Work
Mary kate Stough
Bachelor of Science
Chelsea Renee Stough
Bachelor of Arts
Paul Stramaglia
Bachelor of Arts
Matthew Thomas Strand
BS in Business Admin
Audrey Leigh Strange
Bachelor of Science
Langston Howard Strawbridge
Bachelor of Arts
Madelyn L Street
Juris Doctor
Sarah Grace Strength
Juris Doctor
Eleanor Serenity Stroud
Bachelor of Science
Caroline Elizabeth Studdard
Bachelor of Arts
Tyler E Sullivan
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Laura Elizabeth Sumrall
Master of Accountancy
Emily Morgan Surcey
BS in Business Admin
Kyle Swearengen
Juris Doctor
John Bennett Swearengin
Bachelor of Science
Tyke Jeffrey Tabor
BS in Business Admin
Natalie Louise Talbert
BS in Business Admin
Madison Elizabeth Tarifa
Bachelor of Science
Jackson Lee Tate
Bachelor of Arts
Nour Tayara
Bachelor of Science
Tate Craig Taylor
Bachelor of Science
Justin Byron Taylor
MS in Education
William Alton Taylor II
Juris Doctor
Elizabeth Mae Taylor
BS in Bus Admin Fellow
Bella Caroline Taylor
Bachelor of Fine Arts
William B. Taylor
BS in Business Admin
Brandon Thomas Terpo
Doctor of Pharmacy
Meagan Fay Allison Terry
MS in Nursing
Samfordstudent Susan Test
BS in Business Admin
Akeim Blair Thames
Bachelor of Arts
Peyton Clark Thetford
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Grant Alexander Thibodeaux
Bachelor of Science
Reagan Elizabeth Thieme
BS in Nursing
Micaiah Alyce Thomas
Bachelor of Arts
Faith Elizabeth Thomas
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Macey Elizabeth Thompson
Bachelor of Science
Mitchell Alan Thompson
Bachelor of Science
Alyssa Maria Thompson
Doctor of Pharmacy
Keeley Grace Thompson
Bachelor of Arts
Alyssa Maria Thompson
Master of Science
Reese Hastings Thompson
Juris Doctor
Jamall Leon -Phillip Thompson Jr
Bachelor of Science
Anna Lynley Thompson
Bachelor of Science
Lucas Lee Thornton
BS in Business Admin
Jamie Holmes Tinsley
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Alexander Riley Tislow
Bachelor of Science
Stephen Roy Todd
Juris Doctor
Samuel Craig Tolbert
BS in Business Admin
Cedric Tooson
BS in Business Admin
Kayla Marie Torres-Benson
Doctor of Public Health
Jeffrey Torres
Master of Laws
Zedekiah Darnell Toy
Master of Laws
Zedekiah D Toy
Juris Doctor
Christopher Thomas Tralongo
BS in Business Admin
Brizza Gissell Triana
Bachelor of Science
Ana Sofia Triana Lopez
Bachelor of Arts
Caroline Chapman Trippeer
Juris Doctor
William Tyler Trotter
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Leah Rose Troup
Bachelor of Science
Ty Nicholas Truett
BS in Business Admin
Loden Brock Trulove
Juris Doctor
Mary Ruth Tucker
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Phoebe Elizabeth Tulloss
BS in Education
Julie Ann Tunstall
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Abigail Elaine Turnbow
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Mary Catherine Turner
BS in Nursing
Amanda Blake Turner
Doctor of Education
Amelia Hope Turner
Bachelor of Arts
Emily Danielle Tyre
BS in Nursing
Cartasia Arnae Tyus
Doctor of Pharmacy
Charles Carter Tyus
BS in Business Admin
Kimberly Michelle Uribe
Doctor of Pharmacy
Salisia Shunta Valentine
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Jonathan D Cunningham
Doctor of Pharmacy
Glorian Caroline Vaughn
Master of Public Health
Glorian Caroline Vaughn
Doctor of Pharmacy
Tanairis Vega Nazario
Doctor of Pharmacy
Yolianice Velez Mendez
Doctor of Pharmacy
Adrian Alejandro Velez Domenech
Doctor of Pharmacy
Isabella Rose Venturino
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Sydney Morgan Via
BS in Nursing
Lauren Vick
MS in Nursing
Leland Day Vickery
Bachelor of Science
Andrew James Villars
Bachelor of Music
Chelsey Vincent
Master of Public Health
Alexandra Robinson Vinson
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Henry Viña
Juris Doctor
Laura Ruth Vogt
BS in Education
Grayson Clay Walden
Juris Doctor
Tashara Goudy Walker
Doctor of Education
Ashley Lauren Walker
Bachelor of Arts
Merry Allyson Walker
Juris Doctor
Tevin Darryl Wallace
Juris Doctor
Brooke Alexis Waller
Bachelor of Science
Hannah Anne Walsh
BS in Nursing Fellow
Hannah Grace Walters
Juris Doctor
Denver Klein Waltman
Bachelor of Arts
Tayler Alexandria Walton
Juris Doctor
Haleigh Burke Ward
BS in Business Admin
Laura Caroline Ware
Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Elisabeth Warren
Bachelor of Arts
William Ellis Warren
Bachelor of Arts
Aiden A Warren
BS in Business Admin
Connor Thomas Watson
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Skylar McKenzie Watson
Bachelor of Science
Tami Ashton Weatherly
MS in Nursing
Harrison Lane Weathington
Bachelor of Science
Harrison Lane Weathington
Certificate only
Caroline Lieb Weaver
BS in Business Admin
Abigail Elizabeth Weaver
BS in Education
Ashby Taylor Webber
Master of Social Work
Alexander George Webber
BS in Business Admin
Spencer Weddle
BS in Architecture
Ada Lanier Weems
Bachelor of Arts
Frances Margaret Weissend
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Danielle Welsh
Juris Doctor
Elliott Shane Wessels
BS in Business Admin
John Mitchell West
Juris Doctor
Andrea Elise Westra
Bachelor of Science
Jonah Bond Loftin Wetsel
Bachelor of Science
Julianna Marie Whatley
BS in Nursing
Ashton Victoria White
BS in Business Admin
Amelia Mason White
Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Elise White
BS in Business Admin
Andrew Kinser White
Bachelor of Arts
Andrew Curry Whitehead
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Chloe Morgan Whiteman
BS in Nursing
Jazmyn Whitfield
Bachelor of Science
Benjamin Neal Whitmire
Bachelor of Science
John Bradley Whitmire
BS in Business Admin
Cameron Thomas Wiebe
Bachelor of Science
Kayla Wiggins
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Samantha Kate Wilkerson
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Elizabeth Law Willcox
Bachelor of Arts
Mackey Grace Williams
MSSLP-Speech-Lang Pathology
Dorothy Caperton Williams
Bachelor of Arts
Karolyn La'Nee Williams
Juris Doctor
Tiffany Nichelle Williams
Bachelor of Science
Riley Jade Williams
Master of Business Admin
Noah Tripp Williams
BS in Business Admin
Emily Kathleen Williams
BS in Nursing
Alexandria Benet Williams
BS in Nursing
Lauren Paige Williams
Juris Doctor
Jalen Avery Williams
Juris Doctor
Alyssa Grace Williams
Master of Social Work
Sherita Murdock Williams
Doctor of Education
Stephen Anderson Williams
Master of Divinity
Alison Brooke Williams
Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth McKenzie Williams
Doctor of Pharmacy
Elizabeth McKenzie Williams
Master of Business Admin
Mason Jeremiah Williams
Bachelor of Arts
Charles Francis Williams
Bachelor of Arts Fellow
Clay Arden Williams
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bryce Lee Williamson
Master of Business Admin
Blake Pearce Willingham
Bachelor of Science
Allison Paige Willis
Juris Doctor
Tekia Elise Wilmer
Master of Public Health
Tekia Elise Wilmer
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jake Alexander Wilson
BS in Business Admin
Joshua Ray Wilson
Doctor of Pharmacy
Ian Michael Wilson
BS in Business Admin
Cierra Jaylah Wilson
Doctor of Pharmacy
Jana Grace Wilson
Doctor of Physical Therapy
McKenzie Lee Wilson
Master of Laws
McKenzie Lee Wilson
Juris Doctor
Joshua Ray Wilson
MS in Health Info/Analytics
Kelsey Kendall Wimsatt
Bachelor of Science
Nathan Aaron Windham
Bachelor of Science
Mary Elizabeth Winkelman
Bachelor of Arts
Samuel Knox Witherspoon
BS in Business Admin
Emma Grace Wolfe
BS in Business Admin
Sloane Alexandra Womac
BS in Business Admin
Hannah Wood
Juris Doctor
Amanda Bowersox Wood
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Tori Noelle Woods
Bachelor of Arts
Nicholas Kerry Woodward
MS in Nursing
Emme Woolley
Bachelor of Arts
Madison Dorothy Wooten
BS in Business Admin
Cristal L. Wooten
Doctor of Education
Martina Mims Wright
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Sadie Blake Wright
Bachelor of Science
Grace Ann Wright
BS in Nursing Fellow
Ouida Louise Wright
Master of Social Work
Landon Joshua Wright
Master of Business Admin
Claire Siqi Wu
Bachelor of Science
Paige Courtney Wyatt
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Kinsley Belle Wynja
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Myles D. Wynn
Bachelor of Science
Charles Matthew Yaeger
Bachelor of Music
Michelle Yankah
Bachelor of Science
Abigail Jayne Yarberry
Bachelor of Science
William Bryant Yeiser
Master of Business Admin
William Bryant Yeiser
Juris Doctor
Sarah Lawson Yelverton
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Chandler A. Young
Bachelor of Music Education
Anna Catherine Young
Bachelor of Arts
Noah Bradley Young
BS in Business Admin
Ally M. Young
Bachelor of Arts
Biyang Yu
MA in Theological Studies
Avery Trystan Zapp
Master of Science
Avery Trystan Zapp
Doctor of Pharmacy
Cole G Zirbel
Juris Doctor