Learn more about the benefits, resources and services available to Samford employees.
You are a member of a unique community of learning and faith that has stood firm in its calling as a Christ-centered institution of higher learning for 180 years. Discover important information about training, career development and other helpful resources for both new and established employees.
As a new full-time employee at Samford, you are required to attend New Employee Orientation and will receive an email invitation from Human Resources with additional details.
The Samford Card is the official identification card of Samford University for students, faculty and staff. Information contained on the card includes your photo, name, card number and SUid number. To obtain your Samford ID card, please visit the Human Resources office on the third floor of Samford Hall.
All business cards use the official belltower logo and a standard format, including the university’s primary URL (samford.edu). School- or department-specific logos, mission statements, social media icons or websites can be printed on the second side of the business card at an additional cost. Business card requests may be made directly with Samford's Print Shop at 205-726-2830 or print@samford.edu.
Designs for note cards, note pads, promotional materials and other similar items using the official logos should be reviewed in advance with Marketing and Communication to ensure consistency with university identity guidelines.
Human Resources
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