Published on September 20, 2018  

The Battle Cry of the Reformation and the Surrender of Greek and Hebrew by Daniel Wallace

Don’t shortchange your education and don’t shortchange your flock. Log time—significant time—learning the languages. Go to a seminary that is strong in Greek and Hebrew. And when you get into ministry after your theological education, do not measure the success of the church by the size of the congregation but by its depth of devotion to Christ and the Word.

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Where is God During the Hurricane? by Bruce Ashford

If God is as good and as powerful as the Bible says he is, then why would he allow a hurricane like Florence to devastate the Carolina coast, where it has taken the lives of at least seven people already and made thousands of other people homeless? Where is God during the hurricane?

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The Female Martyrs' #MeToo Message by Lynn Cohick

The female martyrs and ascetics go a step beyond the #MeToo movement by testifying to an eternal truth: resurrection life in Christ. The martyrs tell women today to love our bodies as signs of the future resurrection. They encourage us to think about what is temporary and passing away and to cling to what is eternal. The martyrs usually gave up economic security and social honor. The female slave martyrs shocked the pagans who could not believe people from the lowest class could have such strength of character. Whether you are rich or poor, have social honor or are at the bottom of the social ladder, the martyrs can show you how to use your position for Christ’s honor.

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A Sobering Mercy by Lyle Dorsett

Certainly the most humbling and reassuring lesson coming from a three-quarter-century backward glance is his persistence in drawing me to himself. Now I know that God was always way out in front of me, initiating life-giving knowledge of himself. And it was he who pursued me and sustained the relationship when I strayed in ignorant sheeplike fashion, doubted his existence, and then like the Prodigal Son deliberately moved to the far country.