Published on November 2, 2018  

Death at Tree of Life by Gerald McDermott

If God has a special love for Jews, so should Christians. We should grieve the innocent Jewish victims in Pittsburgh and pray for the loved ones they left behind. We should regard an attack on Jews as an attack on our spiritual cousins, God’s beloved people who gave us our Messiah and salvation. Let us reach out to our Jewish friends and neighbors, expressing our grief and love. Let us tell them that anti-Semitism is an evil we must fight together.

If You Hate Jews, You Hate Jesus by Russell Moore

As Christians, we should have a clear message of rejection of every kind of bigotry and hatred, but we should especially note what anti-Semitism means for people who are followers of Jesus Christ.

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The Reformation We Need by Carl Trueman

We do need a new Reformation. Protestants need to better understand the catholic roots of their thought and be less blasé in reinventing the Christian faith each week on the basis of their own narrow biblicism and skewed view of history. Roman Catholics need to better understand the concerns that motivated the Reformers' ecclesiological critiques, and thereby examine some of the problems that created the Francis pontificate. In the end, I suspect we may still face insuperable disagreements, but those disagreements will at least have been set within a proper historical and theological context. The choice may, in the end, still be between Luther and Bellarmine, but at least it will be a choice informed by a proper understanding of what is at stake.

The History of the English Standard Version

Two Beeson faculty members, Dr. Paul House and Dr. Frank Thielman, were on the ESV Translation Oversight Committee, making Beeson the only school with more than one faculty member on this committee. We recommend this short documentary on the history of the ESV Bible. Be sure to watch for comments from Dr. House and Dr. Thielman.

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