Samford’s Worship Arts Ensemble is an active music worship collective of 15 students in the School of the Arts music and worship program as well as students from other programs across campus. Auditions are open to all current undergraduate and graduate students interested in being on a worship team. In addition to leading worship on campus, it is also connecting with the Birmingham church community to lead in a variety of services.
In February, they led worship at The Church at Liberty Park, participated in a Community Bible Study at Covenant Presbyterian Church and engaged with students at Briarwood Christian School. The ensemble will participate in services at Double Oak Community Church and Dawson Memorial Baptist Church in April.
“I’m excited that we can get out to do ministry with these students and represent Samford in the name of Christ,” said Jonathan Rodgers, assistant professor of music and worship and the director of the ensemble.
On campus, they led worship for the spring opening convocation and will lead a Night of Worship in the Wright Center on Mar. 28 at 7:30 p.m. for the Samford and Birmingham community. The event is free and open to the public.
"The ensemble prepares students to lead worship that is God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, and spirit-filled," said Rodgers. "We want to encourage the Samford community and serve the Church and broader Christian community as we go out in the name of Jesus."
Kaylee Fisher is a sophomore member of the Worship Arts Ensemble who has enjoyed the ensemble's sense of community as well as the opportunity to meet students from across the Samford campus. She noted that leading worship services at other churches can be challenging but "It has been incredibly sweet to see the Church in different areas of Birmingham. I think the Worship Arts Ensemble has expanded my view of the local and global Church as I’ve been able to lead people from all different areas and walks of life in worship to the same God that we serve and adore."
Rodgers sees the ensemble as a place of spiritual growth as well as scholarship. “I hope they [his students] will take away a deeper love for and commitment to Jesus Christ, develop a hunger for leading corporate worship with excellence and passion, grow in their musical abilities, and develop meaningful friendships with other like-minded worship leaders.”